Our NRCS Agricultural HIGH TUNNELS
Now offering farmers GRANTS
NRCS is offering EQIP funding for three special initiatives, including:
* On-Farm Energy Initiative (helps producers conserve energy on their operations);
* Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative (helps producers install high tunnels designed to extend the growing season into the cold months, improving plant and soil quality and reducing nutrient and pesticide transport); and
* Organic Initiative (helps producers to install conservation practices on certified organic operations or those working toward organic certification).
"These special initiatives offer producers a variety of options to conserve natural resources while sustaining production on their lands," said new California State Conservationist Carlos Suarez. "We're urging producers to contact their local service center as soon as possible to be considered for this year's funding. Eligible producers with a conservation plan for their operation receive priority for financial assistance."

For information about Initial Financing-
Contact us at: California Greenhouse
or call us at: 530-913-1091 or 265-9495
For additional information, eligible producers are encouraged to contact your local NRCS Service center locations and more information on the programs can be found at www.ca.nrcs.usda.gov.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people
conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.